Judi Poker Online Betting Increases Amids COVID-19 Pandemic

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Although, the gambling activity in the UK experienced a downturn during the crisis brought by COVID-19, online poker still stood out from the rest.

Based on the data from Google keywords trends, the search history of the phrase “how to play poker” had increased even the start of the lockdown. But, a contradicting survey by YouGov, which represents UKGC, says that there is only 0.2% increase among first-time gamblers in April. 

The Report from UK Gambling Commission

From the very start when the COVID-19 hit the nation, the UK released a report last June 12 stating the clear point of betting and gambling. The activity in the whole month of March and April showed new statistical data. 

Those periods stated that almost 2% of gamblers stopped simultaneously. Generally, accounts under the UK are reduced by about 5%. However, these data are contrary to the previous report showing that online gambling climbs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, many gamblers place more bets online despite coronavirus lockdown.

Digging deeper into the data

Going deeper to the entire gambling process, it reveals that the stoppage is because of the insufficiency of streaming of live sport. Because sports gambling is put on hold, the entire betting industry dropped off. Yet, other gambling sports have put money to the trend.

The count of bettors for judi poker online had increased by about 53% in the month of March. There is also another 53% increase of players actively betting from the month transition from March to April.

Judi Poker Online Stood Out from the Rest

In the whole month of April, judi poker online immediately serves as a medium in the gambling industry. The study shows that online poker had a 70% increase during the months of March and April. This is in contrast with the 40% increase in casino games such as the slots.

Noting its humble beginning, poker just started with just a small size compared to that in casino gambling. Even though there is a reduction in the performance of gambling within the UK, the increasing data for poker contributes to the good news in the gambling industry.

Furthermore, the report also reveals that the entire gambling industry had experienced ups and downs during the three months lockdown. In addition, there are specific games that usually struggle a lot, yet some have failed. 

Although this may result in potential alterations, it remains to be noticed. Yet, what it shows is the full authority of diversity.